Where there is NO Doctor in Japanese

Hesperian Materials

Where There Is No Doctor in Japanese: Issha no inai tokoro de: mura no herusukea tebikisho. PDF of the most recent Japanese translation ofWhere There Is No Doctor containing first-aid and other medical information for earthquake and tsunami response.

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Examples of post-disaster psychological response


 Still not uncomfortable
 The story is unfocused odd behavior
 No response has been vague
 Scared scared
 Sad crying
 Is apprehensive
 There have difficulty breathing trembling heart palpitations
 Higher excited voice
 Pillory around frustrated
 Last night, not sleeping (waking easily, can not get a good night's sleep, and jump to one's feet at night)
 Slight scare sound (which upset the nerves, a strong anxiety)
 After the disaster, loss of appetite
Or a sudden rise above symptoms, when other activities to prevent this, and to consult a doctor.

: ~災害後の心理的反応の例~

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